Firefox More Secure Than IE?
Firefox More Secure Than IE?
23-Mar-2005The president of the Mozilla foundation has claimed Firefox users surf more securely than users with Internet Explorer.***
Th president of the Mozilla foundation, Mitchell Baker has said that his Firefox web browser allows users to surf the web more securely than Microsoft's Internet Explorer does.
Mitchell claims that Firefox does not contain as many inherent programming flaws which leave a browser open to an attack, as Internet Explorer and Mitchell claimed that its increasing popularity will not alter that.
In a panel discussion at PC Forum (PC Forum is wonded by CNET), Baker said, "there is the ida that market share alone will make you have more vulnerabilities. It is not relational at all."
Mozilla has issued security updates for its Firefox browser in the past. Only last month the foundation issued a patch which fixed a possible domain-spoofing vulnerability.
Baker claimed that much of Firefox's security enhancements come with the fact that it does not support Active X plug-ins.
He did give a warning to those duped by phishing scams by stating that security attacks which exploit human behaviour are almost impossible to fix.
"In some of these cases, the solution is very difficult to determine."
Source: ZDNet
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