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AOL Launches Anti-Scam Effort

AOL Launches Anti-Scam Effort


America Online has launched a campaign to block access to fraudulent phishing websites.


This new crackdown against servers which host phishing scripts which catch online banking customers' sensitive financial information is being conducted with online security service firm Cyota.

The two companies will attempt to identify these sites and restrict access to them from AOL's proprietary client facing software.

AOL subscribers will be able to report phishing sites from its own service by clicking on a "report spam" button present in AOL's software.

Phishing scams direct online consumers to websites via email links, which ask them to enter sensitive online banking information. Phishing, is by all accounts, one of the fastest growing "e" crimes.

AOL is far from alone in its attempts to clampy down on phishers. Early in the year, Microsoft, eBay and Visa collectively launched the Phish Report Network - a joint initiative to share information about phishing attacks.

AOL's anti-phishing campaign is part of a much broader attempt by the ISP to increase online security for its subscribers.

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