Pop-up Phishing Vulnerability
Pop-up Phishing Vulnerability
27-Jun-2005A Javascript pop-up flaw in major browsers used as part of a Phishing Scam***
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and several other web browsers all suffer from a vulnerability that enable a malicious JavaScipt pop-up script to be used by cyber criminals to steal personal data.
The flaw, reported by the respected security firm Secunia, allows a phishing attack where a JavaScript pop-up window appears in front of a trusted website.
"The problem is that JavaScript dialogue boxes do not display or include their origin, which allows a new window to open - for example, a prompt dialogue box - which appears to be from a trusted website", Secunia said.
To exploit the flaw, a cyber criminal directs a web user from a malicious site or email to a legitimate, trusted site such as an online bank, in a new browser window. The malicious site would then open a Javascript pop-up in front of the legitimate website, which may fool a user into sending personal information back to the malicious site.
The Mozilla Foundation development team have already been working on techniques to block such pop-up. In a statement by Microsoft, they warned users not to trust pop-ups that do not display an address bar or a lock icon that verifies it came from a legitimate source. Only the latest version 8.01 of Opera, would reveal the pop-up's origin - letting users inspects its URL to see if it came from a trusted site.
Source: http://software.silicon.com/security/0,39024655,39131379,00.htm - Silicon.com
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