Weekly analysis - 3rd January 2010 to 10th January 2010
Weekly analysis - 3rd January 2010 to 10th January 2010
*** 10-Jan-2010
MillerSmiles provides its weekly phishing analysis for the week of 3rd January 2010 to 10th January 2010
Over the last week MillerSmiles has received many thousands of scams from the public and through its HoneyTrap scam detection system. Below we provide an analysis of the scams we have received for the week of
3rd January 2010 to 10th January 2010
The 12 most popular scams we reported as defined by search engine visits to each scam report were
MillerSmiles is the web's dedicated anti-phishing service. Launched in 2003, the site has become one of the most trusted internet security related websites on the internet.
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